Teaching and Supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Black Sea Basin and Regionalism
  • Nationalism and World Politics
  • War, Identity, and Society
  • Rising Powers and World Politics
  • Wars, New Wars, and the Geopolitics of Warfare

Current Supervision

Currently supervising 5 PhD and 5 MA students at Karadeniz Technical University.

Name Thesis Title Degree Subject Degree type Awarded date
Fevzi Kirbasoglu Avrupa Birliği’nin Ortak Dış ve Güvenlik Politikası Oluşturma Çabası Açısından Devletlerin Egemen Eşitliği İlkesinin Değerlendirilmesi International Relations Doctor of Philosophy (expected graduation: June 2025)
Iryna Tkachuk Small States and Diasporas: Ukrainian and Armenian Approaches of Diaspora International Relations Doctor of Philosophy (expected graduation: January 2025)
Ceren Hakyemez Yeniden Asya Girişimi Üzerinden Türkiye’nin Kıtacılık Söyleminin Analizi International Relations Doctor of Philosophy (expected graduation: June 2025)
Hakan Küçük International Relations Doctor of Philosophy (expected graduation: June 2026)
Meltem Hasançebi International Relations Doctor of Philosophy (expected graduation: June 2026)
Yusuf Alper Alkış Rising Powers’ Emergence in Contested Cyberspace: The Case of MIKTA  International Relations Master of Arts (expected graduation: June 2025)
Betül Tiryaki Gender and Foreign Policy: Comparative Analysis of Leadership Approaches to Transformation of World Order Women and Family Studies Master of Arts (expected graduation: June 2025)
Betül Çapar Zulüm Sonrası Kadınların İlerlemesinin Önündeki Engeller: Şili, Güney Afrika ve Irak Karşılaştırması Women and Family Studies Master of Arts (expected graduation: June 2025)
Şeyma Keleş Sosyal Hizmet Çalışanlarının ve Toplumun Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği ile İlgili Duyarlılığı Women and Family Studies Master of Arts (expected graduation: June 2026)
Muhammed Lütfü Osmanoğlu Dış Politikada Diaspora Diplomasisi: Almanya’daki Türk Diasporası International Relations Master of Arts (expected graduation: June 2026)

Previous Supervision

Successfully supervised 6 PhD and 4 MA students at Karadeniz Technical University.

Name Thesis Title Degree Subject Degree type Awarded date
Dilek Karadeniz
Çin-Hindistan Rekabeti Bağlamında Güvenlik İkilemi’nin Yeniden Doğuşu (The Revival of the Security Dilemma in the Context of Sino-Indian Rivalry) International Relations Doctor of Philosophy November 2024
Ekrem Ok
Transformation of Humanitarian Intervention: A Comparative Perspective, 1945-2020 International Relations Doctor of Philosophy November 2024
Nurhan Sağlam
İktidardaki Popülist Partilerin Kadın Haklarına ve Kadınların Sosyal ve Siyasal Katılımlarına Etkisi: Ampirik Bir Analiz International Relations Doctor of Philosophy June 2024
Zehra Aksu
Yeni Bir Bölgeselcilik Yaklaşımı Olarak Enerji Bölgeselciliği: Şanghay İşbirliği Örgütü ve Avrasya Ekonomik Birliği International Relations Doctor of Philosophy January 2023
Hulya Ercan Kinik Yükselen Güçlerin Uluslararası Sisteme Entegrasyonu: Türkiye Örneği (Rising Powers’ Integration into the International System: The Case of Türkiye) International Relations Doctor of Philosophy November 2022
Mohammed Hashiru Hydropolitics of River Nile: Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia in Contention International Relations Doctor of Philosophy June 2022
Ruhullah Afshar The Impact of Türkiye’s Role As A Rising Power in Afghanistan Peacebuilding Process International Relations Master of Arts October 2022
Sedanur Yildiz Brexit and the Small States in the EU: the Case of Slovakia International Relations Master of Arts July 2019
Fevzi Kirbasoglu Avrupa Birliği’nin Yükselen Güçlere Yönelik Politikası: Türkiye Örneği (The EU’s Response to Rising Powers: The case of Turkey) International Relations Master of Arts July 2019
Idrissa Tamba Bindi Liberal Peace and Peacebuilding: The Case of Sierra Leone International Relations Master of Arts February 2017