“YÖK 2023 Üstün Başarı Ödülleri” kapsamında “Yılın Doktora Tezi Ödülü”ne “Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler” kategorisinde “Yükselen Güçlerin Uluslararası Sisteme Entegrasyonu: Türkiye örneği (Integration of Rising Powers into the International System: The Case of Turkey) adlı doktora teziyle Dr. Hülya Kınık ve Tez Danışmanı Doç. Dr. Özgür Tüfekçi layık görüldü.

The “2023-2024 Higher Education Academic Year Opening Ceremony” took place on October 9, 2023. Following the speeches of Erol Özvar, President of the Council of Higher Education, and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the winners of the “Council of Higher Education 2023 Outstanding Achievement Awards”, given in four categories, namely “individual award, institutional award, private field award and special award”, were announced. Within the scope of Individual Awards, the Doctoral Dissertation of the Year Award in the Social and Humanities Sciences category was given to Dr Hülya Kınık and her thesis Advisor, Associate Professor Dr Özgür Tüfekçi. The doctoral thesis is titled “Integration of Rising Powers into the International System: The Case of Turkey”.

İlgili tezi buradan indirebilirsiniz / You may download the thesis here.


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